EAN kod8595568927521
Tarifni broj73269098
Težina0,0123 kg/kom
Površinska obradaElectrolytic Galvanized
Otpornost na temperaturu-45 - 250 °C
Širina15 mm
Visina26 mm
Dužina26 mm
Promjer cijevi16 mm
Unutarnji promjer16 mm
Funkcionalnost u požaruP90-R, E90, PS90
Vrsta nitiM6
Kôd sortiranja3456210
Standardi otpornosti na vatruČSN 73 0895, DIN 4102-12, STN 92 0205
Za cijevi16
Maks. opterećenje za vatrootpornost
is determined by the weight of the inserted cables

For fixing to the base material are suitable the KPO 6 anchors or KPOZ 6 anchor in combination with ZT 6 threaded rod, SVD screws in wood, KHP + ZT 6 in aerated concrete. The recommended cable diameters correspond to the size of the clamp with a small reserve. To easier assembly the clamp is provided with a groove for insertion, during assembly it is not necessary the upper part of the clamp completely separate. Anchor KHP with SVD screw is used for anchoring to porous concrete. For more information check catalogue Systems with maintained functionality in fire.

Note for system with maintained functionality in fire:
To fix the connection use threaded rod ZT6 with knocking anchor or anchor KPO 6 .
You find more information in the catalogue Systems with maintained functionality in fire.