Ilustrativni prikaz
KSK 125_PO6P
EAN kod8595568924322
Tarifni broj85381000
Težina0,4030 kg/pcs
Širina126 mm
Visina126 mm
Dubina77 mm
Funkcionalnost u požaruP90-R, E90, PS90
Standardi otpornosti na vatruČSN 73 0895, DIN 4102-12, STN 92 0205

Note for system with maintained functionality in fire:
The boxes are equipped with terminal blocks to make it easy to connect appliances on a secondary lateral. These appliances do not provide functionality during fire and therefore need to be disconnected if damage to them could result in a malfunction and thus shut down the entire main route. There is a thermal fuse in the box that disconnects the secondary lateral. The product is protected by the utility model. The boxes are designed for use only for power cables with proven functionality during fire. The fire-resistant wiring boxes are made from halogen-free material and contain soft conduits to make it easier to cables into the box.
You find more information in the catalogue Systems with maintained functionality in fire.

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