EAN kod8595568923844
Tarifni broj73269098
Težina0,1451 kg/pcs
Površinska obradaZNCR
Nazivni napon<= 400 V
Nazivna struja<= 16 A
Način montaže
Please remove mounting posts inside the KUZ box prior to the installation.
Širina82 mm
Visina92 mm
Dubina42 mm
Opis paketapacked per 1 piece in foil

The instrument holder for the assembly of built-in 400 V (16 A) sockets. Installation under the assembly plate supplied with the KUZ-VO and KUZ-VOI sets. Contains a screw M4X6 and a lock washer for grounding. Spacing for socket mounting is 60 mm. Suitable instruments: SEZ IEN 1653, SEZ IEN 1643. With set depth of box KUZ min. 105 mm - MENNEKES TYPE 1385, BALS TYPE 132001, ABB 416RU6.