EAN kod | 8595057665552 |
Tarifni broj | 39173300 |
Težina | 0,2720 kg/m |
Boja | black |
Materijal | HDPE |
Bezhalogeni materijal | yes |
Otpornost na temperaturu | -5 - 50 °C |
Mehanički otpor | 750 N/20 cm |
Otpornost na udar | N (normal, according to ČSN EN 61 386-24) |
Otpornost na savijanje | flexible |
Vanjski promjer | 32 mm |
Unutarnji promjer | 27 mm |
Tolerancija | length ± 2 mm/m |
Minimalni radijus savijanja | 400 mm |
Preporuka proizvođača The producer recommends the installation of plastic pipes at temperatures above 0 ° C. | |
Bilješka Protectors are tested at a pressure of 1.5 MPa for 1 hour | |
Klasa reakcije na požar podložnog materijala | A1 |
Opis paketa Harness. Packaging on wooden drums and pallets for unwinding drums isdeliverd just upon previous order according to the customer specifications. | |
Na lageru | standard |
Single-coated pipes designed to protect cables with optical fibers under the ground. For larger volumes different color versions (beyond presented versions), labeling, number of differential stripes, denticular inner surface or inner diameter size (material thickness) can be ordered based on customer needs and specifications.
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