EAN kod8595057627314
Tarifni broj73079290
Težina0,8700 kg/pcs
Površinska obrada
ZNM: Sendzimir Galvanized, zinc layer 15 - 27 micron, replaces primer, medium corrosion resistance - group - 2
Otpornost na temperaturu-60 - 250 °C
Mehanički otpor1250 N/5cm
Mehanička zaštitaIK10
Vanjski promjer47 mm
Radijus savijanja185 mm
Kut90 °
Funkcionalnost u požaruP90-R, E90, PS90
Vrsta nitiP36
Kôd sortiranja44561
StandardiČSN EN 61386-1 ed.2
Standardi otpornosti na vatruČSN 73 0895, DIN 4102-12, STN 92 0205

Elbows are fitted with a connector on one side.

Note for system with maintained functionality in fire:
For connection of ČSN elbows and pipes it is necessary to order couplings, which replace the already supplied couplings, supplied with elbows and tubes.
You find more information in the catalogue Systems with maintained functionality in fire.